June 30, 2021
Congratulations are in order for three Lawton Public School seniors! \r\n . . \r\n Anna Swierkosz (MacArthur High School), Kaitlin Mizell (MacArthur High School) and Nathanie...

June 30, 2021
In this week's edition of the Time with Hime podcast, Superintendent Hime shares the latest regarding inclement weather damage to Edison and MMS, upcoming virtual days for high sc...

June 30, 2021
LPS High School Families: \r\n Please read the letter from Superintendent Hime regarding Virtual Fridays for high school traditional students. Thank you.

June 30, 2021
LPS PreK Online Enrollment is NOW OPEN. \r\n Families interested in enrolling their student can do so here and enroll today. Students must be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1s...

June 30, 2021
Hot meals will be available for students on Monday, Feb. 22.

June 30, 2021
The Board of Education meeting scheduled for tonight (Feb. 18) has been moved to Monday, Feb. 22nd at 5 pm in the Shoemaker auditorium. You can view the agenda in its entirety h...

June 30, 2021
LPS Families,
Due to inclement weather, Thursday, Feb. 18 will be a VIRTUAL Learning Day. We understand some of our students may not be able to complete assignments due to curr...

June 30, 2021
LPS Families:
As winter weather continues, Wednesday, Feb. 17 will be a VIRTUAL learning day. We ask that students log on to their learning platform and complete assignments ...

June 30, 2021
NO SCHOOL: With current weather & road conditions along with the expectation of more winter weather, LPS will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 16. Students and staff will NOT need to log i...

June 30, 2021
LPS Family:
Traditional classes will be back in session Friday, Feb. 12th.
Thank you.

June 30, 2021
Due to pending inclement weather expected for Weds., Feb. 10, all LPS traditional classes will move to a “virtual” learning day. Teachers will be available via remote support. Ple...

June 30, 2021
LPS Seniors – take advantage of a free Soft Skills training by Mrs. Meegan Kriley-Mackay. The training will takes place every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 pm—4:30 pm starting Fe...

June 30, 2021
LPS Family, \r\n As we head into the weekend, here’s a few Friday FYI’s. \r\n Check out Superintendent Hime’s weekly podcast – http://bit.ly/LPSTimewHime27 Seniors, be sure t...

June 30, 2021
LPS Sophomores and Juniors: Interested in taking classes at Great Plains Technology Center? You can preview the courses and fill out an online application by following this link...

June 30, 2021
Attention Seniors! \r\n Click this link to register for the upcoming Virtual Career Day: https://portal.premiervirtual.com/event/register-jobseeker/4199-lawton-public-high-school-...

June 30, 2021
The Lawton FFA and Masonic Lodge #183 would like to invite you to join them for their annual dessert auction and supper. \r\n \r\nSee the attached flyer for more information!

June 30, 2021
Students, teachers and staff can now report threats in Oklahoma schools via text message. Through a partnership between the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) and the O...

June 30, 2021
High School Girls, \r\n Apply to Girls Who Code’s Virtual Summer Immersion Program (SIP) for an unforgettable summer experience! During this FREE 2-week virtual program, you'll ...